Neil Williamson

Neil Williamson

Neil Williamson

Areas of Expertise

He has extensive experience of providing professional design advice, and is a regular panellist on several established Design Review Panels, including with the Design Commission for Wales, the Cornwall DRP, the Southwest DRP and the London Borough of Islington DRP. He has contributed to development of design policy at local and national level, including Design Review – Principles and Practice jointly issued in 2009 by CABE and the design professional bodies, and at local community level with the production of ‘Local Distinctiveness’ guidance and neighbourhood planning.

Neil has worked extensively on ‘Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design’. In 2005 he played a key role in launching a new regional design centre for the Solent area. Neil is an external member of the Research Ethics Committee for Social Science and Humanities at the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow and Past President of the Landscape Institute, a Recognised Practitioner in Urban Design, a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and member of the Institute of Business Ethics.

Neil Williamson

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